Uma ação de arte online - em protesto contra a violência
Um projeto pacífico e pacifista de XXTanzTheater
De 22 a 25 de novembro de 2020
jornal de arte contra a violência
e em nossas plataformas de rede social
Violência contra mulheres / violência contra crianças / violência psicológica / violência racista / violência sexual / violência de gênero / violência armada / violência doméstica / violência policial / violência digital / violência física / violência verbal / violência social / violência econômica / violência no trânsito /
Ela nos rodeia
ela está sempre lá ...
aparentemente invisível, estamos ignorando isso? Por quê?
Artistas protestam online contra a violência; Lutamos com nossa arte por um mundo mais pacífico, por uma interação respeitosa entre nós.
Artistas de todos os ramos e de muitos países escrevem um jornal de arte contra a violência com sua arte. Por quatro dias, a partir das 19h. (Hora da Europa Central), uma nova entrada de diário aparecerá a cada hora
Administramos o "Art Journal Against Violence" como parte de nossa bolsa de estudos para artistas do Ministério da Cultura e Ciência da Renânia do Norte-Vestfália.
Art diary against violence ►►► GO
The video art that I am sending is a seed to review thoughts, and show that freedom is within you, that guilt and sin do not exist and that fear is the opposite of love.
Read MoreFlavia Rosales, Artista Visual y Plástica - Visual artist (Colombia)
The video art that I am sending is a seed to review thoughts, and show that freedom is within you, that guilt and sin do not exist and that fear is the opposite of love.
My Name is Bernardo San Rafael, I’m a german costarican dance performance artist. I use the urban space as a place for artistic interventions to bring art to everyone. Living between Zurich,Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Mecklenburg Vorpommern and the rest of the world.
Read MoreBernardo San Rafael, Performance (Costa Rica - Germany)
My Name is Bernardo San Rafael, I’m a german costarican dance performance artist. I use the urban space as a place for artistic interventions to bring art to everyone. Living between Zurich,Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Mecklenburg Vorpommern and the rest of the world.
Katarina Caspersen (1992) is a freelance designer and works within scenography, illustration and graphic design. She is educated from The Academy of the Arts in Oslo, at Graphic design and illustration. She now lives in Norway, Oslo.
Read MoreKatarina Caspersen, Designe - Scenography - illustration and Graphic design (Norway)
Katarina Caspersen (1992) is a freelance designer and works within scenography, illustration and graphic design. She is educated from The Academy of the Arts in Oslo, at Graphic design and illustration. She now lives in Norway, Oslo.
A Multi-Media Artist, Art Professor, with 45 years of an artistic career; Born In Barranquilla, Colombia, lives and work in Florida, U.S A
Read MoreDaniel Angulo, Painter (USA)
A Multi-Media Artist, Art Professor, with 45 years of an artistic career; Born In Barranquilla, Colombia, lives and work in Florida, U.S.A.
Albert Garcia Saurí, nacido en Valencia en 1986, empezó a estudiar teatro (12 años de formación extraescolar) y descubrió, posteriormente, la danza en Espai Botànic de Dansa (Valencia). Continuó su formación académica en A.R.E.A (Barcelona) y posteriormente ingresó en el Conservatori de Grau Superior i Mitjà – Institut del Teatre (Barcelona). Actualmente trabaja en la compañía valenciana Eva Bertomeu Cía., bajo la dirección de Eva Bertomeu y con Sol Picó en distintas producciones y abre su propia compañía eLeCeDe en 2019 con su primera pieza Pelos de Paloma – Pèls de colom - `Pigeon hairs.
Read MoreAlbert Garcia Saurí, Dancer - Choreographer (Spain)
Albert Garcia Saurí, nacido en Valencia en 1986, empezó a estudiar teatro (12 años de formación extraescolar) y descubrió, posteriormente, la danza en Espai Botànic de Dansa (Valencia). Continuó su formación académica en A.R.E.A (Barcelona) y posteriormente ingresó en el Conservatori de Grau Superior i Mitjà – Institut del Teatre (Barcelona).
Actualmente trabaja en la compañía valenciana Eva Bertomeu Cía., bajo la dirección de Eva Bertomeu y con Sol Picó en distintas producciones y abre su propia compañía eLeCeDe en 2019 con su primera pieza Pelos de Paloma – Pèls de colom - `Pigeon hairs.
My name is Willi Arlt, 66 years old and born in Ochtrup / Germany. My workshop is in Geilenkirchen-Lindern. My art is sculpture. I make sculptures and pictures out of iron. Most of the time the characters represent people and often also groups telling stories.
Read MoreWilli Arlt, Sculptor (Germany)
My name is Willi Arlt, 66 years old and born in Ochtrup / Germany. My workshop is in Geilenkirchen-Lindern. My art is sculpture. I make sculptures and pictures out of iron. Most of the time the characters represent people and often also groups telling stories.
For a number of years I have been devoting myself exclusively to one single art project. It´s named LOVE PRO TOTO. It is a social network, or rather a social sculpture. It has a goal. Namely to create a world full of love. Yes, this is a dream. A wonderful dream. But it can come true if everyone helps a little. It's a very simple idea. When everyone makes a little video in which they say I love you to all other people, then the dream has come true. It is very simple. So please do the little video, say I love you and join LOVE PRO TOTO.
Read MoreVolker Hildebrandt, Multimedia Art (Germany)
For a number of years I have been devoting myself exclusively to one single art project.
It´s named LOVE PRO TOTO. It is a social network, or rather a social sculpture. It has a goal. Namely to create a world full of love. Yes, this is a dream. A wonderful dream. But it can come true if everyone helps a little.
It's a very simple idea. When everyone makes a little video in which they say I love you to all other people, then the dream has come true. It is very simple.
So please do the little video, say I love you and join LOVE PRO TOTO.
Yoshiko Waki has been producing his own dance (theater) pieces since 1990. She founded BODYTALK with Rolf Baumgart in 2008. Together they consistently produce regional dance theater with political content, mostly with live music. Her work is described by the press as “radically local” and “laboratory of the performing arts”.The productions are often created with the involvement of public space as well as local, grown, and also remote cultural activities such as wage washerwomen beyond retirement age, carnival dance groups, snake philosophers ...
Read MoreYoshiko Waki, Choreographer (Japan - Germany)
Yoshiko Waki has been producing his own dance (theater) pieces since 1990. She founded BODYTALK with Rolf Baumgart in 2008.
Together they consistently produce regional dance theater with political content, mostly with live music.
Her work is described by the press as “radically local” and “laboratory of the performing arts”.The productions are often created with the involvement of public space as well as local, grown, and also remote cultural activities such as wage washerwomen beyond retirement age, carnival dance groups, snake philosophers ...
André Jolles produziert Performancekunst - spartenübergreifend mit Livemusik aus dem Bereich Experimentell - Avantgard. Konzepte entstehen gemeinsam mit Künstler verschieden Sparten und die Die Choreographische Arbeit realisiert er mit dem Ensemble. Realisiert zur Zeit Friedensarbeit in Ost Timor.
Read MoreAndré Jolles, Choreographer (Germany)
André Jolles produziert Performancekunst - spartenübergreifend mit Livemusik aus dem Bereich Experimentell - Avantgard.
Konzepte entstehen gemeinsam mit Künstler verschieden Sparten und die Die Choreographische Arbeit realisiert er mit dem Ensemble. Realisiert zur Zeit Friedensarbeit in Ost Timor.
Maf Räderscheidt was born 1952 in Augsburg, Germany. After studying art at the FH Cologne and graduating with a master degree in several classes, her works have been shown all around the world, among others at ART Basel and ART Cologne. 2018 she received the „Konejung“ prize for her life work. Today she works as an independent artist and lives in the countryside in Schleiden, Germany.
Read MoreMaf Räderscheidt, Painting - Graphics - Performer and Author (Germany)
Maf Räderscheidt was born 1952 in Augsburg, Germany. After studying art at the FH Cologne and graduating with a master degree in several classes, her works have been shown all around the world, among others at ART Basel and ART Cologne. 2018 she received the „Konejung“ prize for her life work. Today she works as an independent artist and lives in the countryside in Schleiden, Germany.
Born in Mompox, Bolívar. He began his self-taught artistic work from a very young age on the banks of the Magdalena River. In 1982 he began to exhibit his work on Body Art and in 1990 he taught the Performance Techniques course at the School of Fine Arts in Cartagena (Bolívar). Winner of the first prize of the National Salon of Artists in 1994, as a pioneer of a new expression of art in the Country.
Read MoreAlfonso Suarez Ciodaro,Performance
Born in Mompox, Bolívar. He began his self-taught artistic work from a very young age on the banks of the Magdalena River. In 1982 he began to exhibit his work on Body Art and in 1990 he taught the Performance Techniques course at the School of Fine Arts in Cartagena (Bolívar). Winner of the first prize of the National Salon of Artists in 1994, as a pioneer of a new expression of art in the Country.
† 29.10.2020
Siempre Pronto para criar até o fim de sua vida, seu coração e mãos agora vão descansar, nós inclinamos em gratidão.
Born in Germany I photograph since the late 80ies portraits, streetlife, landscape and documentary
Read MoreHerand Müller - Scholtes, Photographer (Germany)
Born in Germany I photograph since the late 80ies portraits, streetlife, landscape and documentary
I am working in cologne as a painter, photographer and performer with a kind of holistic way of thinking. I try to connect between the separated ways of art, thinking and being and work by perceiving and being aware of what is really going in a specific moment.
Read MoreSusebee, Painter - Photographer - Performance (Germany)
I am working in cologne as a painter, photographer and performer with a kind of holistic way of thinking.
I try to connect between the separated ways of art, thinking and being and work by perceiving and being aware of what is really going in a specific moment.
The processing of the stone with chisel, hammer, rasps and grinding tools takes place after a wordless dialogue, which begins with the choice of stone. The decision is usually made instinctively and gradually solidifies. Grasping the surface and the color of the stone are extremely important components, the sense of touch and sight create a direct connection to the otherwise closed subconscious (emotional distress). Eyes and hands carry out what has been transmitted and received as if by magnetism. Before the sculptures reach their final form, they and I, as the processor and viewer, constantly go through new situations that are directly related to our collective and personal experiences. Born in Italy, work in Germany
Read MoreMaria Fili, Sculptor (Italy - Germany)
The processing of the stone with chisel, hammer, rasps and grinding tools takes place after a wordless dialogue, which begins with the choice of stone. The decision is usually made instinctively and gradually solidifies. Grasping the surface and the color of the stone are extremely important components, the sense of touch and sight create a direct connection to the otherwise closed subconscious (emotional distress). Eyes and hands carry out what has been transmitted and received as if by magnetism. Before the sculptures reach their final form, they and I, as the processor and viewer, constantly go through new situations that are directly related to our collective and personal experiences. Born in Italy, work in Germany
Gabriele Klimek wurde 1957 in Hildesheim geboren und studierte hier von 1980 bis 1984 Grafik-Design an der Fachhochschule Hildesheim / Holzminden.
Read MoreGabriele Klimek, Photographer (Germany)
Gabriele Klimek wurde 1957 in Hildesheim geboren und studierte hier von 1980 bis 1984 Grafik-Design an der Fachhochschule Hildesheim / Holzminden.
Stefanie Manhillen ist Mixed-Media-Künstlerin. Sie hat ihr Studium der Freien Kunst mit Diplom und Meisterschüler an der Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee abgeschlossen (Kunststipendien: Erasmus-Sokrates-Stipendium Barcelona, Freemover Stipendium Granada). . An der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin hat sie Kulturwissenschaft / Europäische Ethnologie mit einer wissenschaftlich-künstlerischen Arbeit abgeschlossen (Magister Artium).
Read MoreStefanie Manhillen, Mixed - Media -Künstlerin - Mixed media artist (Germany)
Stefanie Manhillen ist Mixed-Media-Künstlerin. Sie hat ihr Studium der Freien Kunst mit Diplom und Meisterschüler an der Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee abgeschlossen (Kunststipendien: Erasmus-Sokrates-Stipendium Barcelona, Freemover Stipendium Granada). . An der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin hat sie Kulturwissenschaft / Europäische Ethnologie mit einer wissenschaftlich-künstlerischen Arbeit abgeschlossen (Magister Artium).
As object artist I mainly work with champagne and wine corks of emptied bottles. My inspiration and ideas are coming preferably from political or sociocritical topics. These ideas are than processed into objects or image objects using various techniques specially developed by me.
Read MoreRecep Vardar, Objektkünstler (Germany)
As object artist I mainly work with champagne and wine corks of emptied bottles. My inspiration and ideas are coming preferably from political or sociocritical topics. These ideas are than processed into objects or image objects using various techniques specially developed by me.
Viviane Juguero is a Brazilian playwright, researcher, actress, and professor. She holds a Bachelor, Specialist, Master, and Doctorate Degree in Performing Arts (the Brazilian Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul). She is currently in Norway, working as a Postdoctoral Researcher Fellow in the field of Performing Arts and Aesthetics at the Faculty of Arts and Education, Department of Early Childhood Education of the University of Stavanger.
Read MoreViviane Juguero, Theater for Children - Performing Art (Brazil - Norway)
Viviane Juguero is a Brazilian playwright, researcher, actress, and professor. She holds a Bachelor, Specialist, Master, and Doctorate Degree in Performing Arts (the Brazilian Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul). She is currently in Norway, working as a Postdoctoral Researcher Fellow in the field of Performing Arts and Aesthetics at the Faculty of Arts and Education, Department of Early Childhood Education of the University of Stavanger.
Since 1970 he has participated in international exhibitions. Among others, he exhibited together with Joseph Beuys, Ryosuke Cohen, Robert Filliou, Jürgen O. Olbrich, Yoko Ono, Clemente Padin, Robert Rehfeldt, HA Schult, Klaus Staeck, Timm Ulrichs, Ben Vautier, Wolf Vostell and many others. Horst Tress made the term "Fluxpostphoto" his own. These are original photographs that are shown worldwide.
Read MoreHorst Tress, Artist and author - Künstler und Autor (Germany)
Since 1970 he has participated in international exhibitions. Among others, he exhibited together with Joseph Beuys, Ryosuke Cohen, Robert Filliou, Jürgen O. Olbrich, Yoko Ono, Clemente Padin, Robert Rehfeldt, HA Schult, Klaus Staeck, Timm Ulrichs, Ben Vautier, Wolf Vostell and many others. Horst Tress made the term "Fluxpostphoto" his own. These are original photographs that are shown worldwide.
Sara Blasco Gutiérrez was born in Valencia, Spain. She studied contemporary dance at the local Conservatoryof Music and Dance and at the same time completed her bachelor's degree in audiovisual communication at the Polytechnic University. Since 2011 Sara Blasco has been dancing at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein and is active as a freelance dancer in various companies in NRW. Since 2013 she has been active as choreographer, artistic director and in musical arrangements in her own pieces and in artistic cooperations in Germany and Spain. Her production "Clara" was sponsored by the state of NRW and the tanz.tausch Festival 2018
Read MoreSara Blasco Gutiérrez, Dancer - Choreographer (Spain - Germany)
Sara Blasco Gutiérrez was born in Valencia, Spain. She studied contemporary dance at the local Conservatoryof Music and Dance and at the same time completed her bachelor's degree in audiovisual communication at the Polytechnic University. Since 2011 Sara Blasco has been dancing at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein and is active as a freelance dancer in various companies in NRW. Since 2013 she has been active as choreographer, artistic director and in musical arrangements in her own pieces and in artistic cooperations in Germany and Spain. Her production "Clara" was sponsored by the state of NRW and the tanz.tausch Festival 2018.
Not Yet work in a long term project that involves collective work. In the photo/exhibition part, the symbol is manipulated inside a photo. These have been taken all around the world but have one thing in common: Something bad has happened at the place the photo has been taken: people killed other people, people suppressed other people, people took away the freedom of other people - peace or freedom died st that place. Work in Germany
Read MoreNot Yet, Manipulierte Photographie (Germany)
Not Yet work in a long term project that involves collective work. In the photo/exhibition part, the symbol is manipulated inside a photo. These have been taken all around the world but have one thing in common: Something bad has happened at the place the photo has been taken: people killed other people, people suppressed other people, people took away the freedom of other people - peace or freedom died st that place. Work in Germany.
Born in Brazil, Nielson Soares left his hometown São Paulo at the age of 27 to re-establish himself as a choreographer, dancer and dance teacher in Europe. He lives in Germany, where he worked for the choreographer Johann Kresnik, the Opera House in Wiesbaden, the Opera House in Hanover, the Goethe Theater in Bremen and the Volksbühne Berlin. Nielson Soares works as dance teacher (classical ballet / modern dance and jazz dance), choreographer, set designer and costume designer all over Europe.
Read MoreNielson Soares, Choreographer - Costume Designer (Brazil - Germany)
Born in Brazil, Nielson Soares left his hometown São Paulo at the age of 27 to re-establish himself as a choreographer, dancer and dance teacher in Europe. He lives in Germany, where he worked for the choreographer Johann Kresnik, the Opera House in Wiesbaden, the Opera House in Hanover, the Goethe Theater in Bremen and the Volksbühne Berlin.
Nielson Soares works as dance teacher (classical ballet / modern dance and jazz dance), choreographer, set designer and costume designer all over Europe.
Ossi Tataky was born in Patagonia Argentina and his work focuses on artificial intelligence and digital media. He lives in Berlin.
Read MoreOssi Tataky, Digital Designer - Photographer (Argentina - Germany)
Ossi Tataky was born in Patagonia Argentina and his work focuses on artificial intelligence and digital media. He lives in Berlin.
born in Colombia, danced as a soloist at the choreographic theater of Johann Kresnik in Bogotá, Berlin, the Salzburg Festival, Hanover and Bonn; She worked for Reinhild Hoffmann in Austria and Germany and for Susanne Linke in Bonn. Her own choreographies are dedicated to the topic of women and especially of social justice in this context. She founded in 2015 the _XX_TanzTheater and was nominated for the Cologne Dance Theater Prize SK Foundation in 2016 with her play "XX Fortuna" and 2017 with "I am Farkhunda"
Read MoreBibiana Jiménez, Choreographer - Dancer (Colombia - Germany)
born in Colombia, danced as a soloist at the choreographic theater of Johann Kresnik in Bogotá, Berlin, the Salzburg Festival, Hanover and Bonn; She worked for Reinhild Hoffmann in Austria and Germany and for Susanne Linke in Bonn. Her own choreographies are dedicated to the topic of women and especially of social justice in this context.
She founded in 2015 the _XX_TanzTheater and was nominated for the Cologne Dance Theater Prize SK Foundation in 2016 with her play "XX Fortuna" and 2017 with "I am Farkhunda"
I was born in Nuremberg, Germany in 1964. For over 25 years I've been living and working in Cologne, Germany. I discovered my passion for photography later in life but it has been inspiring and leading me to develop new inner processes and perspectives ever since.
Read MoreSonja Lang, Photography (Germany)
I was born in Nuremberg, Germany in 1964. For over 25 years I've been living and working in Cologne, Germany.
I discovered my passion for photography later in life but it has been inspiring and leading me to develop new inner processes and perspectives ever since.
geboren 1953 in Rosenheim, aufgewachsen in Neubeuern, zwei Kinder. Von 1988 – 2003 Fotostudio in Neubeuern. Hier bilden Portraitfotografie und Marketingbereich ihr berufliches Spektrum. Seit 1998 entwickelt sie zusätzlich die freie, künstlerische Fotografie, die durch das Leben im Rheinland von 2003 bis 2018 intensiviert wird.
Read MoreMaresa Jung, Photografie (Germany)
Geboren 1953 in Rosenheim, aufgewachsen in Neubeuern, zwei Kinder.
Von 1988 – 2003 Fotostudio in Neubeuern. Hier bilden Portraitfotografie und Marketingbereich ihr berufliches Spektrum.
Seit 1998 entwickelt sie zusätzlich die freie, künstlerische Fotografie, die durch das Leben im Rheinland von 2003 bis 2018 intensiviert wird.
Geboren in Schaffhausen/Schweiz. Ausbildung am Mozarteum / Salzburg zum Schauspieler, lange tätig als solcher im Theater und Fernsehen, seit zehn Jahren Wechsel auf die Regieseite und seit 2013 Intendant am Theater der Keller.
Read MoreHeinz Simon Keller, Intendant - Theater der Keller (Germany)
Geboren in Schaffhausen/Schweiz. Ausbildung am Mozarteum /Salzburg zum Schauspieler, lange tätig als solcher im Theater und Fernsehen, seit zehn Jahren Wechsel auf die Regieseite und seit 2013 Intendant am Theater der Keller.
Geboren 1983 im hessischen Taunus, lebe und male ich nach langen, abenteuerlichen und erlebnisreichen Auslandsaufenthalten (u.a. in Indien, Australien, SOA) seit 2010 mit meinem Mann und 2 Kindern in Aachen. Meine Kunst möchte ich ebenso wenig kategorisieren und in Schubladen packen (lassen) wie mich als Person selbst. Der positive Stil umfasst sowohl moderne, visionäre als auch abstrakte Malerei und seit 2018 die intensive Beschäftigung mit Strukturen und meinen "Bruchstücken".
Read MoreDoro Saharita Becker, Malerei (Germany)
Geboren 1983 im hessischen Taunus, lebe und male ich nach langen, abenteuerlichen und erlebnisreichen Auslandsaufenthalten (u.a. in Indien, Australien, SOA) seit 2010 mit meinem Mann und 2 Kindern in Aachen.
Meine Kunst möchte ich ebenso wenig kategorisieren und in Schubladen packen (lassen) wie mich als Person selbst.
Der positive Stil umfasst sowohl moderne, visionäre als auch abstrakte Malerei und seit 2018 die intensive Beschäftigung mit Strukturen und meinen "Bruchstücken".
I am Dirk, Tantric Hatha Yoga Teacher, Musician (GULL RYK), DJ (Dirt), Writer and creative Spirit Seeker. Born in Germany, living in Cologne and home wherever i AM.
Read MoreDirk Weuster, Tantric Hatha Yoga Teacher (Germany)
I am Dirk, Tantric Hatha Yoga Teacher, Musician (GULL RYK), DJ (Dirt), Writer and creative Spirit Seeker.
Born in Germany, living in Cologne and home wherever i AM.
The main focus of WEHR51 is the implementation of its own concepts and theatre texts, which are dedicated to current and social-politically relevant topics. This is accompanied by the search for new dramaturgical approaches that lead to extraordinary locations and include immersive art forms. In the artistic debate, the content determines the form. The initial idea and theme determine the dramaturgical approach, in which the tools of acting, dance, music, video, etc. are combined and expanded in equal measure. The result is a diverse programme of 'hybrid' productions, which include drama-video-radio play, live-painting&dance, dance-theatre, theatrical music-sculpture, 'new music'-theatre and theatrical VR-installation and which cannot be categorised in the classical genre terms.
Read MoreWehr51, Performative Kunst (Germany)
The main focus of WEHR51 is the implementation of its own concepts and theatre texts, which are dedicated to current and social-politically relevant topics. This is accompanied by the search for new dramaturgical approaches that lead to extraordinary locations and include immersive art forms. In the artistic debate, the content determines the form. The initial idea and theme determine the dramaturgical approach, in which the tools of acting, dance, music, video, etc. are combined and expanded in equal measure. The result is a diverse programme of 'hybrid' productions, which include drama-video-radio play, live-painting&dance, dance-theatre, theatrical music-sculpture, 'new music'-theatre and theatrical VR-installation and which cannot be categorised in the classical genre terms.
I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I did most of my training and artistic experience. At the age of 18 I did my first steps as a Circus Performer, and years later I included Contemporary Dance, Physical Theater, Dance Theater and also became a Yoga instructor. After a few years, I became interested in Performance Art, research and experimental theater. These themes increased in my work when I moved to Europe in 2016. I am currently based in the city of Cologne, Germany, and have worked and collaborated on cross-language art works such as installations, interactive performances, storytelling, technology, improvisation and more.
Read MoreAnalía Celeste Muñiz, Dance and Performance Art (Argentina - Germany)
I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I did most of my training and artistic experience. At the age of 18 I did my first steps as a Circus Performer, and years later I included Contemporary Dance, Physical Theater, Dance Theater and also became a Yoga instructor. After a few years, I became interested in Performance Art, research and experimental theater. These themes increased in my work when I moved to Europe in 2016. I am currently based in the city of Cologne, Germany, and have worked and collaborated on cross-language art works such as installations, interactive performances, storytelling, technology, improvisation and more.
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